Entropay not available - Entropay Closed - Entropay is Closing its service

Entropay not available 

As we know that there were many payment processors which closed their services due to Government policies and some did frauds and got caught.
Entropay used to provide Virtual Credit cards to its clients/Users. This included Money transfer and transactions.
Due to some new law and regulations or some other unknown reason. they have closed their service.
Here is the message which appeared on their website.

"We're sorry to let you know that Entropay has ceased providing its services on 1 July 2019.
We have terminated our agreement with you according to clause 11 of the Entropay Terms and Conditions. You no longer have access to your account through Entropay.com. Withdrawals can only be made by contacting us by email on support@entropay.com before 1 July 2025.
Our terms and conditions will continue to apply during this period.

We are sorry to say goodbye to all of our loyal users and would like to say thank you for using Entropay.
